Home Phone for Michigan
When call quality matters
Voice Over IP allows you to utilize your internet connection for your voice services. This allows you to “cut” the cord with your traditional voice carrier and save money on a monthly basis! Saving money, while not sacrificing call quality is an equation that makes sense for everyone.
Home phone options through VoIP
Air Advantage is deploying new LTE enabled fixed-wireless solutions within its network. It’s proven and it works better. Fixed Wireless is a viable alternative for those that do not have access to the fiber network.

Made in Michigan
Air Advantage is based in beautiful Frankenmuth Michigan and serves the communities of the Great Lakes Bay and Greater Thumb region.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does VoIP / Internet Voice Work?
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. Some VoIP services may only allow you to call other people using the same service, but others may allow you to call anyone who has a telephone number – including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. Also, while some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. VoIP services convert your voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet. If you are calling a regular phone number, the signal is converted to a regular telephone signal before it reaches the destination. VoIP can allow you to make a call directly from a computer, a special VoIP phone, or a traditional phone connected to a special adapter.
What Kind of Equipment Do I Need?
A broadband (high speed Internet) connection is required. This can be through a fiber modem, or high speed services such as fixed wireless service. A computer, adaptor, or specialized phone is required. Some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, while other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. If you use your computer, you will need some software and an inexpensive microphone. Special VoIP phones plug directly into your broadband connection and operate largely like a traditional telephone. If you use a telephone with a VoIP adapter, you’ll be able to dial just as you always have, and the service provider may also provide a dial tone.
Can I use my Computer While I talk on the Phone?
In most cases, yes.
Does my Computer Have to be Turned on?
Only if your service requires you to make calls using your computer. All VoIP services require your broadband Internet connection to be active.
What Are Some Advantages of VoIP?
Some VoIP services offer features and services that are not available with a traditional phone, or are available but only for an additional fee. You may also be able to avoid paying for both a broadband connection and a traditional telephone line.
What Are Some disadvantages of VoIP?
If you’re considering replacing your traditional telephone service with VoIP, there are some possible differences:
- Some VoIP services don’t work during power outages and the service provider may not offer backup power.
- Not all VoIP services connect directly to emergency services through 9-1-1.
- VoIP providers may or may not offer directory assistance/white page listings.